Everyone in your timeline too busy living life on the weekend to keep you updated with interesting fodder to read or comment on?
We gotchu. Here are our favorite links from the week, and the videos we couldn’t keep to ourselves.
Important breaking news: Watching cat videos is good for your health. Science, bitch.
Here, quick, get your healthy on.
13 Things White People Do When You Point Out Racism. I saw them all this week.
This video gets shared every time there’s a tragedy that doesn’t make any damn sense. And it’s worth watching, every time.
Donald Trump’s use of Neil Young song blasted by singer’s manager. You’d think that such a shrewd businessman would have checked that out and gotten written authorization prior to using the song.
We love us some Gaga… and 90s nostalgia. “What’s Up?”
I found this fascinating. And for the first time, I realize that I miss devouring music catalogs. Four Columbia House insiders explain the shady math behind “8 CDs for a penny.”
There’s a #MySwimsuitStyle blog hop happening encouraging folks to post pics in bathing suits and share their links in the comments. It’s great to scroll through and see everyone looking so lovely and happy. Suit up and join in.
Heaven is having your face chewed on by a gaggle of puppies.
How one woman turned less than $1,000 of savings into a business that earns over $200,000 a year. Someone who has actually done what I’ve always wanted to do: take an idea and a little money and turn it into a successful business. What I always lacked was guts. Good for her!
What would Jesus do? Watch to the end.
For fellow word nerds: The Rabbit Hole Rabbit Hole. How Carroll literally dropping Alice down a rabbit hole morphed into its current meaning.
Monkey see, monkey do. Jump up, jump up and get down.
7 bizarre pairs of people you never knew were alive at the same time. Because really, who ever thought about this? I am excited to know that Charlie Chaplin and I were alive at the same time.
The “dreams” of Google’s AI are equal parts amazing and disturbing. I lean a bit more towards disturbing, but the methodology is really interesting.
Drop your must-share links in the comments, it gets lonely on Saturday nights.
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