Category: Entertainment

  • Donald Trump’s Most Used Phrases: A Poem

    Donald Trump’s Most Used Phrases: A Poem

    I researched Donald Trump’s most used speech phrases thinking I’d somehow form them into a drinking game for the debates, but realized that was certainly asking to hospitalize everyone I knew from alcohol poisoning.

    So, instead, I offer you a poem where each line is an opt-used quote. It’s… something.

    Words. The very best words.

    Donald Trump in His Own Words

    Atlantic City
    A lot of money
    That I can tell you

    Just so you understand
    We’re going to
    Make America Great Again
    Going to build a wall

    And you know what?
    There’s something going on
    Thousands of people
    All over the place
    We have no idea who

    I called it

    By the way
    Crooked Hillary
    One of the worst
    Better than me?
    Excuse me?
    Give me a break


    (Believe it)



  • I Made the 11th Hour Decision to Read ‘Go Set a Watchman’

    I Made the 11th Hour Decision to Read ‘Go Set a Watchman’


    When I first heard they were releasing a second novel by Harper Lee I was excited. Like really really excited.

    Something else from the author of The Great American Novel? YES PLEASE. HERE IS MY MONEY.

    I clicked on the first link I saw that referenced it, and learned that the circumstances of the release were sketchy at best.

    Harper Lee has described herself as more Boo Radley than Scout, and her lawyer sister Alice had shielded her from being dragged into the light, from “all the ladies in Maycomb… bringing angel food cakes.”

    By all accounts she had never intended Go Set a Watchman to be published.

    She inadvertently signed away the copyright to To Kill a Mockingbird in 2011, then sued to reacquire on the grounds that she was unable to see or read the documents clearly, and too deaf to speak on the phone.

    But years later, we are to believe she was capable of consenting to this publication?

    I don’t know, and that’s why I decided I wasn’t going to preorder the book.

    Until yesterday, in an 11th hour decision. I made the order minutes before the cutoff and paid $3.99 for next day shipping so I’d have it in my hot little hands on release day.

    go set a watchman

    Go Set a Watchman isn’t a sequel to To Kill a Mockingbird, as we all thought when the original news hit; it’s an original draft, lightly edited. Mockingbird takes an incident out of the original and thanks to what sounds like an intense relationship with her editor, Lee fleshed that out to a fully realized coming of age story and American masterpiece about racism and redemption.

    Thanks to the New York Times, we know that Watchman reveals a new Atticus: segregationist, eugenicist, extremist, and that the novel is more about Scout’s disillusionment with her one-time idealized father. That makes for a “no thanks” from a lot of people, who don’t want to see their Atticus sullied.

    And that’s when I decided I needed to read Go Set a Watchman, for the following reasons:

    1. Unlike the Salinger situation— Salinger was always 100% rock solid on not publishing the rest of his works, as much as that pains me— at one time Harper Lee absolutely meant the novel for publication. She submitted it to a publication house. You don’t do that with your diary or private papers. She may have decided later she didn’t want it published because it wasn’t her best work, and I can understand that. But as a writer who is fascinated with the process, I am most excited about the opportunity to see the bones of what went down in Maycomb and conjecturing about how she got from here to there. I plan to read it gently, knowing it was never given the scrutiny and polish that Mockingbird benefited from.

    2. I’m intrigued by the change of heart in Atticus, and I think it’s both true to the time and place and applicable to our current times. It’s important to acknowledge that people with racist views don’t just belong to closeminded hyperbolists in a box labeled “racists.” They are our friends, our neighbors, our family members, and some of them grew up idealists and dreamers. Being a bigot doesn’t mean you’ve never done a laudable thing in your life.

    Everyone is a product of the time and place they were raised in, and the more we seek to understand the lens they view the world through, the closer we can come to breaking down barriers. Even if it means accepting that Atticus himself could grow to become disillusioned, bitter, hateful.

    3. I think a close reading of Atticus’s full timeline will better inform our reading of Atticus in Mockingbird. Once you start looking for them, there are passages that hit me differently as an adult reading critically than as a kid reading for class. We carry the image of Gregory Peck in our minds, but on paper Atticus said some conflicting things.

    Way back about nineteen-twenty there was a Klan, but it was a political organization more than anything. Besides, they couldn’t find anyone to scare.

    Whut? The KKK couldn’t find anybody to scare? It’s a political organization? WTH is that all about, Atticus?


    In any case, Go Set a Watchman is the most preordered book on Amazon since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows— a book that was anxiously awaited by young and old. I’ve seen a lot of people say that they reread Mockingbird in preparation, or like me plan to revisit Maycomb after finishing Watchman, or decided against tarnishing their image of Atticus and just elected to read Mockingbird again.

    That’s great. That’s awesome. Everyone should read To Kill a Mockingbird, for the first time or again as an adult. It’s such a wonderful piece of literature and a fantastic starting point for discussing systemic racism and how far we have— or haven’t— come.

    Because what I’m hoping for is a shit ton of discussion, without a media story and the emotion that goes along with it fueling flames. I hope that we can use this fictional place and these fictional characters as a cultural touchstone we all share, and move from there to talk about real life hard things without getting all personal about it.

    Is that what Harper Lee wanted? I’m not sure. I think so, though.


    Still waiting for the UPS man? These are some thought provoking posts until the book arrives.

    What Does Harper Lee Want?

    “Public encouragement, I hoped for a little … but I got rather a whole lot, and in some ways this was just about as frightening,” Lee said at the time. She stopped granting interviews and would sometimes skip town for a few days when she learned that a reporter was trying to track her down. For years she insisted she’d never publish again.

    The Invisible Hand Behind Harper Lee’s ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’

    There appeared to be a natural give and take between author and editor. “When she disagreed with a suggestion, we talked it out, sometimes for hours,” Ms. Hohoff wrote. “And sometimes she came around to my way of thinking, sometimes I to hers, sometimes the discussion would open up an entirely new line of country.”

    The Courthouse Ring: Atticus Finch and the limits of Southern liberalism.

    Finch will stand up to racists. He’ll use his moral authority to shame them into silence. He will leave the judge standing on the sidewalk while he shakes hands with Negroes. What he will not do is look at the problem of racism outside the immediate context of Mr. Cunningham, Mr. Levy, and the island community of Maycomb, Alabama.

    How playing Scout in To Kill A Mockingbird changed my life

    The messages are so clear and so simple. It’s about a way of life, getting along, and learning tolerance. This is not a black-and-white 1930s issue, this is a global issue. Racism and bigotry haven’t gone anywhere. Ignorance hasn’t gone anywhere.


    If you’d like to purchase Go Set a Watchman, you can order from Amazon at this link and I’ll get a couple of cents for sending you.

    Are you reading?
    Tell me what you think.


  • Stop Calling Things the New Sexy

    Stop Calling Things the New Sexy

    Photo depositphotos

    I think when women say they feel sexy, what they really mean is they feel comfortable in their body. They feel wanted. They feel empowered. They feel sensual.

    Those are all great things to feel.

    To say something is sexy is a little bit different.

    And for the love of everything that’s holy, I need you to stop saying things are the new sexy.

    No really. I mean it.

    You know how Justin Timberlake brought sexy back?

    I love JT, and I love that song, but maaaan, I’d really like it if he’d take that shiz back where he found it.


    strong is not the new sexy


    You can’t escape seeing how things are the new sexy.

    Strong is the new sexy.

    Smart is the new sexy.

    Confident is the new sexy.


    Right. As though my primary concern in life is being sexy, and all other qualities become desirable only when it’s decided they can become elevated to “sexy.”

    Um, NO. Words matter. Distinctions matter.

    They matter in the way we judge ourselves and the message we impart to our daughters.

    There is a difference, and I’ll tell you what that difference is.


    By definition, sexy means attractive, appealing, arousing sexual desire or interest.


    Strong, smart, confident, generous, adventurous:

    these are states of being.


    You ARE strong if your body or spirit is capable of great burden.

    You ARE smart if you can decipher or analyze.

    You ARE confident if you believe in yourself, even when circumstance beckons you not to.

    These are qualities of being. They are ends in themselves.

    Be strong for the sake of being strong.

    Smart for the sake of being smart.

    Confident for the sake of confidence.

    Not because they make you sexy.


    Sexy is a state of appearing. It is a byproduct.


    Sexy is by definition a PERCEPTION of your physical and hormonal allure to another person.

    It is, and please excuse my language, a measure of how f*ckable you are.


    I don’t give a rat’s ass how f*ckable I appear to anyone.


    I want to BE strong. I want to BE smart. I want to BE confident and independent and courageous.

    In all things I strive to BE and not SEEM.

    You play a dangerous game when you confuse what you ARE and what you APPEAR TO BE.


    SO. Please.

    Aim to BE so many things.

    Just stop calling them the new sexy.

    That demeans them. And you.



    This post originally aired on and was dusted off after I was reminded of it after reading people’s comments on the magnificently strong and athletic bodies in ESPN’s Body Issue. Yes, we’re still airbrushing, we’re still portraying unattainable perfection (just of a different kind), we’re still putting too much emphasis on physicality, we’re still using skin to sell magazines… but the emphasis isn’t still squarely on sexy.

    ESPN can publish a nude photo series without resorting to sexy. Your move, every other magazine in existence.


  • Non-Required Reading + Must See (Internet) TV: Helluva Week

    Non-Required Reading + Must See (Internet) TV: Helluva Week

    You weren’t planning on working today, were you?

    So, it was a hell of a week, you guys.

    • Gay marriage is just plain ol’ marriage now, all across the US of A. We wrote about it here and reacted in gifs here.
    • Supreme Court justices announced a 6-3 decision to preserve the Affordable Care Act.
    • Southern state governments are moving to take down the Confederate flag; Walmart, Target, Etsy, hell even NASCAR pledged to stop sporting it.
    • Since the South Carolina Statehouse was dragging its feet taking down the flag, badass Bree Newsome scaled that damn pole and took the flag down, easy peasy. Bitches get shit done.

    “We could not sit by and watch the victims of the Charleston Massacre be laid to rest while the inspiration for their deaths continue to fly above their caskets,” the activists said in a statement.


    New artwork, inspired by Bree Newsome. #FreeBreeStory here:

    Posted by Gyno-Star on Facebook and you can buy the t-shirt here. Pass it on.

    Anyway, there are tons of posts that you could and should read about the last week. Read them to further your understanding of context. Find opposing views and seek to understand the lens through which they were written. I consider those required reading, which isn’t really what I was setting out to do in this post. I guess I’ll do a separate “Required Reading” roundup later this week, but for right now I just gotta share this post from the New Yorker that includes this quote from our President:

    “I have strengths and I have weaknesses, like every President, like every person, […] I am comfortable with complexity, and I think I’m pretty good at keeping my moral compass while recognizing that I am a product of original sin. And every morning and every night I’m taking measure of my actions against the options and possibilities available to me, understanding that there are going to be mistakes that I make and my team makes and that America makes; understanding that there are going to be limits to the good we can do and the bad that we can prevent […] but that, if I am doing my very best and basing my decisions on the core values and ideals that I was brought up with and that I think are pretty consistent with those of most Americans, that, at the end of the day, things will be better rather than worse.”


    OK, now on to the fun stuff.


    Raptor Princesses. You can get them on a t-shirt, too.

    Why We Need Philosophers Engaged In Public Life. “Analyses of causal and moral responsibility crop up across philosophy — in metaphysics, ethics and legal philosophy, to name just a few. Philosophy is also a good place to look for critical arguments (as opposed to gut reactions) on issues like racism, eugenics and violence.”

    How Minecraft and Duct Tape Wallets Prepare Our Kids for Jobs That Don’t Exist Yet. Really interesting, and helps ease my guilt about too much Minecraft time.

    Here’s a new theme song for ya.


    Agency Says Whole Foods Overcharges. Um, duh?

    Fight Club for Kids. Because so much yes and Chuck is frankly adorable.

    What if We Treated Other Consent Situations Like Society Treats Sexual Consent? Brilliantly simple.

    Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain and the Gendering of Martyrdom. “The way media dotes over its tortured male artists while undermining the personal struggles of women who suffer the same is nuanced, but a look into the archive suggests the phenomenon is well documented across race, genre, and generation.”

    Meet Abandoned Blind Dog and His Trusty Canine Guide Who ‘Acts as His Eyes’

    ABC US News | World News


    Hey, here’s another t-shirt you need. Maybe I need to start a new series dedicated to must have shirts.


    Here’s another Poehler beauty: a segment of “REALLY?!” with Seth Meyers calling out a Sports Illustrated contributor who tweeted that nothing about women’s sports is worth watching. Oh, really.

    We Tried On Victoria’s Secret Bathing Suits And This Is What Happened. These body positive posts are everywhere now, and really that’s a good thing. I liked this one a lot.

    Start Your Morning Right With an Alarm Clock That Makes You Coffee. In my house, this is called “my kids” but whatever. We’re ready to test it. For science.

    Utah Valley U. Paints ‘Texting’ Lane on Busy Staircase

    Antwerp now has ‘text lanes’ for pedestrians who are glued to their mobile phones

    Are all these texters in their own lanes just bumping into each other, like human bumper cars? Where the hell is the live video feed?

    I’ve watched this like a dozen times and it never stops being funny.

    Getting drunk on your own front porch is not illegal, rules US court. “Judges in Iowa feared that convicting a woman for ‘public intoxication’ on her front steps would risk making JD barbecue sauce potentially illegal.”

    Related: map of the drunkest states during the summer.

    *whispers* I know it’s cool to hate on Buzzfeed but I really, really love the Try Guys.

    And finally: this week, when that special someone is on your last nerve, take a deep breath and calmly invite them to shoot a rainbow outta their blowhole.


    HIT ME UP.
    Share your links for me to read— required or no— along with any must-see videos.


  • Non Required Reading + Must See (Internet) TV

    Non Required Reading + Must See (Internet) TV


    Everyone in your timeline too busy living life on the weekend to keep you updated with interesting fodder to read or comment on?

    We gotchu. Here are our favorite links from the week, and the videos we couldn’t keep to ourselves.

    Non Required Reading


    Important breaking news: Watching cat videos is good for your health. Science, bitch.

    Here, quick, get your healthy on.

    13 Things White People Do When You Point Out Racism. I saw them all this week.

    This video gets shared every time there’s a tragedy that doesn’t make any damn sense. And it’s worth watching, every time.

    Donald Trump’s use of Neil Young song blasted by singer’s manager. You’d think that such a shrewd businessman would have checked that out and gotten written authorization prior to using the song.

    We love us some Gaga… and 90s nostalgia. “What’s Up?”

    I found this fascinating. And for the first time, I realize that I miss devouring music catalogs. Four Columbia House insiders explain the shady math behind “8 CDs for a penny.”

    There’s a #MySwimsuitStyle blog hop happening encouraging folks to post pics in bathing suits and share their links in the comments. It’s great to scroll through and see everyone looking so lovely and happy. Suit up and join in.

    Heaven is having your face chewed on by a gaggle of puppies.

    How one woman turned less than $1,000 of savings into a business that earns over $200,000 a year. Someone who has actually done what I’ve always wanted to do: take an idea and a little money and turn it into a successful business. What I always lacked was guts. Good for her!

    What would Jesus do? Watch to the end.

    For fellow word nerds: The Rabbit Hole Rabbit Hole. How Carroll literally dropping Alice down a rabbit hole morphed into its current meaning.

    Monkey see, monkey do. Jump up, jump up and get down.

    7 bizarre pairs of people you never knew were alive at the same time. Because really, who ever thought about this? I am excited to know that Charlie Chaplin and I were alive at the same time.

    The “dreams” of Google’s AI are equal parts amazing and disturbing.
     I lean a bit more towards disturbing, but the methodology is really interesting.


    Drop your must-share links in the comments, it gets lonely on Saturday nights.